Recognizing there are many challenges facing today’s hunter and anglers, Rick is passionate about securing the future of all outdoor recreation sport opportunities for the next generation and beyond. He has come to the realization that our hunting and fishing heritage as we know it today is in jeopardy and he is taking steps to turn the tide of declining participation. With no shortage of data pointing to the diminishing number of outdoor participates, Rick believes it is time to act and redirect the trend.
His passion for coaching and mentoring hunting skills to early onset hunters and anglers is seen through his leadership in presenting hunter centric events such as the Oklahoma Deer Hunting Conference, Deer Hunting 101 Workshops, Turkey Hunting 101 Workshops, Saddle Hunting Workshops, Hunter Safety, and other hunter educational opportunities across the state.
To sum it up, Rick said, “I have long lived by the credo, ‘Working today to make tomorrow better.’ I am putting action behind these words by working to recruit, retain and reengage hunters and anglers. We really are only one generation away from falling to unsustainable participation levels in the outdoor sports. Hunters and anglers are conservation, without them; funding is lost, without funding the game is over. Our kids, grandkids and great-grandkids depend on us to ensure the future of hunting and fishing is bright. The time to act is now.”
Rick is married to wife Marilyn with three-kids, 10 grandkids and 2 great-grandkids. Rick is a lifelong outdoorsman with over 55 years in the field experience. A native Texan relocated to Oklahoma 24 years ago and has fallen in love with the outdoor opportunities in the Sooner state. Rick is a retired Human Resource leader, life member of the NWTF and serves on the Board of Directors for the Oklahoma Hunters & Anglers LLC.